Rhoda Emlyn-Jones
Rhoda Emlyn-Jones
Social Services Officer
14 Videos
  • About Rhoda

    Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE, MA, CQSW, Dip SW Adult Substance Misuse Service Manager Cardiff and the Vale Social Services Departments.

    Rhoda has worked in Social Services in South Wales since the early eighties. Since that time she has grown and developed services under the umbrella of the Local authority and was awarded Welsh Woman of the Year in 2007 for over 25 years of innovative contributions to effective service delivery for individuals, families & children experiencing the impact of alcohol & drug use.

    In 1986 Rhoda established the first statutory based counselling service in Wales for adults experiencing difficulties as a consequence of their use of alcohol and drugs (CADT). Rhoda quickly established the CADT as both an effective service for the public and an international centre for the development and delivery of Motivational Interviewing (MI) (see Miller & Rollnick, 1991) in the substance misuse field. More than 25 years later Rhoda’s teams continue to deliver proven effective interventions to over 1000 individuals and their families every year in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, while Rhoda also manages the largest professional group of MI trainers in the UK. She has lead on strategic commissioning issues relating to substance misuse at a Local and National level and served on UK wide Advisory Boards shaping research and service design.

    In the new millennium Rhoda has been instrumental in developing effective services for families experiencing the impact of substance misuse, Option 2 & CRAFT (Smith & Meyers, 2004), as well as firmly establishing the Strengthening Families Programme (Kumfer et al, 1998) as an effective preventative family service in Cardiff. All three services have consistently shown proven effectiveness in their outcomes. Today all three services lead the field in best practice for service development in Wales.

    Rhoda currently works with Welsh Government on their transformation change agenda ‘building stronger families’ advising on Service design, professional skill base and wider workforce development.

    Rhoda has been working alongside Welsh Government in their development of Integrated family support services across Wales .She has been instrumental in devising wider workforce development training and an accreditation process encompassing Motivational skills and approaches and Option 2 Family Engagement tools, sustaining skills through follow up support, mentoring and providing consultation to a wide range of teams, Managers and Supervisors, consolidating best practise.

    She has a deep commitment to social work skills and practise and the potential for the profession to impact on complex social systems, facilitating and enabling individual, social and cultural change.

  • Document/Links by Rhoda

Lifeline Project & FEAD Read more

Welcome to Lifeline and FEAD (Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs). This project has been shaped by the wealth of experience, openness, and knowledge of the contributors. You are invited to comment on the clips, which are supported by footnotes to which you can add. FEAD is an ongoing Lifeline Project initiative.

Lifeline Project: In 1971 the Lifeline Project opened a day centre for drug users in Manchester. Since its foundation Lifeline has grown and developed, and now works in a diverse range of settings across the UK. Our purpose is to relieve poverty, sickness and distress among those persons affected by addiction to drugs of any kind, and to educate the public on matters relating to drug misuse.